
Ula Buyuly

Ula Buyuly

Member of the Artist in Bloom team. Career development coach for artists and cultural workers. Educator and designer of development processes in organizations. Designer of learning experiences in the stream of the Scandinavian Kaospilot school. Certified assessor of Harisson Assessment – psychometric tests examining professional aptitude. Researcher of leadership competencies in the cultural sector.

Among other things, Ula is a graduate of sociology at the Jagiellonian University and of the coaching school at L’Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille Management du Comportement des Hommes. Human Relations expert with over 20 years of experience in culture and business.

As part of the activities of the Artist in Bloom studio, Magda and Ula cooperate with individual artists and cultural institutions in Poland and abroad, including. European Commission, Keychange global organization, Art Incubator Goyki 3, Intytut Kultury Miejskiej in Gdansk, music export offices in Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Ukraine, Culture Workshop in Lublin, festivals Inne Brzmienia, Spring Break, MENT Ljubljana, Budapest Showcase Hub, Reeperbahn Hamburg or numerous art and music universities.